KUKA mxAutomation digital outputs

Hello everyone!

Is there any way to control digital outputs in the robot controller? I'm interested in those Outputs OUT VAL 1 - 8.

In the standart mxAutomation library we have functional block KRC_WriteDigitalOutput1To8 for that purpose, but in IntegratedRobotics I couldn't find anything like that.

Best reply by Thorsten_Brach

This is a good question !

Maybe there is a bug and the ParImmSpecial-Reference is not created in the header of the UnitFB ( this will be generated by the export code, depending on the configured peripheral ).

As a quick workaround you can create this instance manually in the header your derived ProgrammableRobotUnit :


  ParImmSpecial : REFERENCE TO EcKukaKrc4MxAParImmSpecial REF= Peripherals.YourKukaInstance._parImmSpecial;


Please report this problem to the helpdesk, so that someone looks for it...

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