Integrated robotics template command not finished

If I run command EXECUTE_TEMPLATE_AREA_TO_POS it remains in RUNNING state even though robot finishes movement and it reports it is in the right area.

It happens only for one position (home pos), others are ok. Any idea what can be wrong?

Here is the code:

Loc150M740_Robot.Unit.ParCmd.ExecuteTemplateAreaToPos.TargetEnumType := ProgrammableRobotTemplateEnumType.HELP_POS_ENUM;
Loc150M740_Robot.Unit.ParCmd.ExecuteTemplateAreaToPos.TargetEnumValue := Loc150M740_RobotHelpEnum.HOME;
Loc150M740_Robot.Unit.ParCmd.ExecuteTemplateAreaToPos.AsyncExecution := FALSE;
Loc150M740_Robot.Unit.Command := ProgrammableRobotCmd.EXECUTE_TEMPLATE_AREA_TO_POS;
_retVal := ExecuteUnit(Loc150M740_Robot.Unit, RepeatOnError := TRUE, StepSensitive := TRUE);

Best reply by maj9bj

Problem solved. The reason was HOME point was set as Joint Blended instead of Joint Absolute and that's why final position was not reached.

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