WPC Separator, difference between STOPPER and SEPARATOR

Good evening,

I don't understand very well the difference between variuos WpcSeparationMode.

First of all, I don't know the difference between STOPPER and SEPARATOR. Then I'm able to fully understand the documentation (WpcSeparationMode ENUM).

The documentation speaks about "queries" of the sensors, but I don't really understand how the query the sensors.

This is a stupid question, so forgive me for that, but I'd like to ask it: Is there a way to let the separator work automatically, without having to implement a CommandHandler to issue the SEPARATE Command?

Best reply by nexidator

First of all sorry for the late reply!

About the difference between stopper and separator: There is a mechanical difference between the two. A separator consists of two pins working together like a rocker. That way the timing is less relevant and it is always guaranteed exactly one carrier passes the separator when moving it back and forth once. A stopper is just one pin that allows any number of carriers to pass through while it is open.

About the documentation: Thanks for the hint. We will fix this translation error in a future version. "Query" should just be carrier detection (by the SAt/SOn sensor).

There is no way to let this object automatically handle the separation without starting any command. But there is an alternative approach: The objects belonging to the transfer system (i.e. the NexeedTrs... objects) are designed for automatic wpc handling based on standardized transfer node types.

Now about PKlein's answer: I am sorry I have to disappoint you, but there are no activities going on concerning this object. A colleague does remember there were some discussions about the object, but there has never been a commitment to start any development. This must be a misunderstanding. If you have any specific requirements, please contact the helpdesk.

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