My TcXaeShell keeps hanging in "Preparing Solution..." state when I open the project via a CpS (5.8.1) export very often. I would even say it hangs 'always' since I started using CpS 5.8.1.
After killing TcXae via the task manager the export fails with the following error in CpS
When I open the PLC afterwards from CpS using PLC - right click - 'Open TwinCAT project' the solution is opened with the following error but I can run the export afterwards and it seems to work ok.
I am using Tc Build 4024.47. I also have TwinCAT XAE (VS2015) installed on my computer and I have CpS 5.6.2 opened quite often in parallel. Also I have object/peripheral updates quite often, they are marked "... has been changed and was reloaded automatically" after the second successful export attempt so they seem ok to me.
Is it only me (my laptop, my setup) having this issue? Is there a solution / workaround available?