Station lamp V2.1.1.0 and Balluff Smart Light Compatibility Issue

Using Station Lamp Version works correctly.

With Station Lamp V2.1.1.0 this exported Startup parameter gives the following errors

Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'Peripherals._001K020_5.LampColor to type REFERENCE TO OPCONBASICCOLOR

LampColor is no component of 'IOLINKBALLUFFSMARTLIGHT'


The IoLinkBalluffSmartLight does have an rLampColor but it's a reference to IoLinkBalluffSmartLightBniColor, not the OpconBasicColor that the Station Lamp requires.

Best reply by HugeGo


thanks for reporting the misbehavior of the Baluff Smart Light. We forgot to upload the new version of the Baluff Smart Light Peripheral (V2.1.2.0). This will solve your problem. It's been already updated on our Download Portal.

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