I have some feedback for the Object Browser.
The first is about version management. When we are preparing a new object version, we use the last digit for test releases. I think this is also how BCI is doing this, although it has been many years since I had such a BCI object in my hands. Anyway, my problem is that the test versions are thus ranked as newer than the final release version, which uses 0 for the last digit.
For example, I am upgrading an object from to But before I can release the new version, I give an object version to my colleagues in the field for testing. Then after I confirm everything is fine and maybe fix some bugs they found, I will finally release on our release repository. But the colleagues who have in their STD will not be displayed the release version when they are looking for compatible updates, because the last number 0 is lower than their test release number. And when they select it manually, it is also labeled as "compatible downgrade" in the download dialog. My suggestion is to treat the last digit special, where 0 is the newest version and any other number is using normal sorting. Maybe this could be enabled or disabled with a setting of the Object Browser.
My second point is a question. After updating my STD I found that the Object Browser downloaded all 3 available versions of the Mode Handler Template when I updated some other objects. It was not even selected though for download. I think this is because I have no version of this object in my STD at all, but I downloaded another object that has hierarchyNodeType="ModeHandler". But I don't know if this is the cause or not. Anyway, I wish the object browser would not download any unwanted objects that I did not select and that are not a dependency of any object in my STD.
The third one is a feature request. I would like to be able to automatically download all objects (and peripherals) based on an ObjectVersions.xml file that OES generates in the Engineering folder. Or alternatively it could be from an Object Usage file (because that is created from the ObjectVersions anyway, correct?). The point is to reduce the size of our base station backups. With this feature, the person who creates a new STD for a project can get the base station project (only the Stat folder) and then use the object browser to download the STD conveniently and then update the objects that are in use. As a bonus, I would like to be able to select more than one station folder (ObjectVersions.xml file) for this purpose.