Out of retain Memory _ TwinCat3


Did anyone had this problem before, to run out of retain memory, for a Control Plus project ?

Is it possible to change the allocated memory, in TwinCat? If yes, how can I do this, and how can I check, if by increasing this memory size I'm not overlapping a different part of the memory? And last thing, is it recommended to change it, or I should find a workaround? 


Best reply by nexidator

Is the variable declared as RETAIN or as PERSISTENT (or even both)? TwinCAT behaves different than CoDeSys (or IndraLogic) concerning these keywords. With all TwinCAT target systems supported by Control plus, it is never necessary to declare a variable as RETAIN. With TwinCAT, RETAIN variables are linked to a NOVRAM hardware memory. Instead, just use PERSISTENT and the variables will be persisted on the Windows file system.

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