I found 2 behaviors in OES v4.11b that I consider to be bugs. I created an object of type A and I found out that some parameters cannot be configured or do get lost when I reload STD.
First of all, here is one such parameters:
<ParameterVariable name="rInput" hierarchy="Input" refId="ATMOxPID_rInput" varType="LREAL" textEn ="bla bla." textDe="bla bla." subtreeInstanceSpecific="True" />
Now I have an object a. I cannot link object a's parameter to variables of object a's unit. I can select them in OES, but after I do the parameter is cleared again.
I can link object a's parameter to the variables of object b's unit though, where object b is also of the same object type. But if I do that, then after reload STD the object parameter will be lost. If I link it to any other variable it seems to work fine.
I think the problem is with the object's unit definition, which looks like this:
<Unit refLink="A668CDB5-B088-4BC6-A09E-8151E9F1126A">
<Condition comparator="EqualTo" value="True" refLink="ATMOxPID_ExportFb"/>
<Unit refLink="7558CD31-B708-46CF-BB35-2426AC69D054">
<Condition comparator="EqualTo" value="False" refLink="ATMOxPID_ExportFb"/>
I guess when I reload STD it fails to recognize which of the two units I am using at the moment it is reloading the parameters, so it thinks the variable stopped existing. But why it immediately deletes my parameter selection if I select my own unit, I don't understand at all.
Anyway, do you think this will be fixed in the future? Or do you have some more insight into this problem?