move a license dongle to another plc


I need to exchange a PLC with a new one because the old one was borrowed and now I've received the official one.

I have used the dongle keys on the borrowed plc and now I would like to transfer them to the official plc. I was able to activate Twincat licenses but I don't know how to activate the HMI one.

I don't know how to find the activation ID. And I don't know if transfer the license is possible at all.


Best reply by nexidator

When exchanging the hardware, you should take the dongle along. That way, the licenses are still registered with the correct hardware ID in our license portal. You don't need any activation ID, you just need to transfer the existing licenses to the new PLC after you plugged the dongle there. That's what the "Synchronize" button in CpStudio does:


(It is not possible to transfer the licenses to another dongle.)

By the way: A completely redesigned license activation UI will be released with CpStudio 5.8.2, where the functionality is  more self-explanatory.

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