MES@AE 1.1, OES 4.11 and ModeForwarder


I need to implement a station with OES 4.11 and MES@AE 1.1 Objects.

First things first, I tried to add a ModeForwarder to the Model. The problem is that I cannot use the Mode Forwarder Template (as in the sample project) because it requires al least OES 5.4. So I tried to add a Mode Forwarder ( object to the standard, but the object is has Visibility="Never" in the ood. So I don't find it in the Object browser thus I cannot add it to the project.

Am I doing something wrong?

I know that I can cheat changing the visibility in the OOD, but, at the same time, I understand that there should be a reason why the Mode Forwarder is not visibile so I don't want to cheat!


By the way, this project does not requires a MF. It is a simple station with one Fu, one Wp and no conveyor. The original project that I'm updating does not have a MF, only a Mode Handler. I want to add the MF because the documentation I have tells to use a MF and add AeMesStationAddOn to it.


Best reply by SteffenR-

NxModeForwarderTemplate V1.5 requires at least Control plus Studio V5.4,
NxModeForwarderTemplate V1.4 can be used with OES V4.

You can find the old versions in the "_outdated" folder of the repository:

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