How to Rework a part in "Nexeed Rework application(MES)" when there is no Quality data ?

Hello Guys, Good day.

I have one Requirement in the Opcon/ Nexeed Rework application,



In the latest version of rework client, (version 4.15.5)


  1. Is there a possibility to rework a part If the Part has a vmdt record and no quality data ?


For the same requirement I am also working on below Method,


There is a possible option to add or generate quality data/ Trace data from the rework application by enabling below option ForceTraceOfEveryPart, in the client



As per Opcon Rework application  document “ForceTraceOfEveryPart” should add the details of parts which are scanned but not processed in rework.



Unfortunately ForceTraceOfEveryPart works for Me only when I close the application, not for other condition mainly parts which are scanned but not processed in rework(USB scanner) ,

refer below screen shot from the OIS portal


Please share Any suggestions from your end, or Past experience to deal with the similar situation ?

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