Home position conditions and IsInBasPos vs. BinIO

I am confused about using of home position conditions for pneumatic cylinders in OnApplyOutputs of Command handler units.
In some project people use BinIO.xxx and in other (e.g. DigitalMachine) there is Unit.OutImm.IsInBas(Wrk)Pos. What is the right usage?
My opinion:

  1. IsInBas(Wrk)Pos is absolutely unreadable for maintenance guys. _102B201B (Press cylinder in press position) is for them much better then  Loc101K201.Unit.OutImm.IsInBasPos.
  2. I know I can also add comment to Loc101K201.Unit.OutImm.IsInBasPos but why to do that when I already have BinIO texts imported from eplan.
  3. I also use subtrees and I do not know how to use BinIo in conditions for subtrees. Any idea?



Best reply by SteffenR-

I agree. For conditions in the HMI (release of manual function or operation mode) you should use BinIo instead of BasMove OutImm.

I am looking forward to the next releases. It is planned to replace variables with the BMK (item designator) and its HMI text. This solution will cover both BasMove and axis/robot positions etc.

OES and CpStudio until V5.7:

New view (without any change in code or CpStudio):


For subtrees you have to put a CASE InstIdx around IsInHomePosition (this must be done manually):


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