HMI-Can't change the mode of operation

Hello, thanks for you reply.

i can't change the mode from mannual mode to other modes;

when i reset cold from twincat side, i can change from mannual mode to other mode once, but can't to change back, or to other mode. 

the value of Station.Unit.ModeRequest is corrent when i click any of modes,  but Station.Unit.ModeSet can't change to the mode i request.

i also met a problem, that is my release conditions is ok, but all the buttons of the projects are not allowed to clik,no other mannual fucntion is running.

like the pictures below, i read plc code to oes, and export again, there is no effect.

Best reply by Thorsten_Brach

If the Mode-Change is "hanging" then I am sure, somewhere in your model-tree a cancel is still executing and does not come to an end...

And this could also be the reason, why you could not execute the manual function.

If the running Cancel is not the reason for your problem with the manual function - please check that your release condition is really true - only bool condition can be parsed and displayed in the HMI  - not that the HMI shows something wrong, because of a not boolean condition in the OnManRelease method. And please check the error messages  - not that the corresponding Unit/Extension is in error state... (in your screenshot there are 2 errors pending)

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