Hello all,
In a project we have the following configuration:
Each ModeHandler has his own IPC with his respective HMI Modulo.
To represent the diag in each HMI we have to add the EventList on each ModeHandler. At this point everithing is correct each panel throw his own errors.
Problem comes qhen you confirm one of those errors. The EventClear is appied at top level ModeForwarder, that means that all errors are confirmed. That is very risky becose you are confirmed diagnostics that you didn't read and even can cause damages on the modules that you aren't seeing.ย
You should't confirm the errors of the modules that are not under your control.ย
In this example is we are using V1 but we have same issue on V2.
The similar behaviour apply to the EasyPanel. PanelToken parameter is not used in a subtree, then you cannot instance for the right Token. Token control will.
Is planned to correct this?
Can we do something to improve it?
Best regards