CpS 5.8.1 STD reload without changes leads to Simulation AddOn error + missing Vision channel export

I have a CpS 5.8.1 project with the following effect: if I do a STD reload which does not show any changes (which is correct, because there are no changes) and I still decide to click 'apply and reload' I get the following result during the subsequent export:

- an error in CpS that a SimulationAddon exists already at another path than 'Station/_this' - which is correct because there is already an Addon located in Station/Addons

- the channel of my 2 vision systems (Tcp connection) is no longer exported. The EtherCAT channel is still exported (I need both in my application)

If I don't do the STD update my project (CpS + TwinCAT) works fine. Also if I move the Simulation Addon in CpS into the Addons folder I still do not get the vision channel(s) exported.


Best reply by nexidator

The two problems are independent.

Concerning the NexeedIpAtmoVision peripheral object: Thanks for reporting this bug! The object definition always had a flaw that becomes relevant in CpStudio 5.8. Older versions had a misbehavior that neutralized the bug. The bug will be fixed in a new object version that comes with the next monthly object release.

About the SimulationAddon: CpStudio 5.8 fixed the bug that the SimulationAddon was removed and re-created every time when switching simulation mode off and on. When converting a project containing the SimulationAddon to 5.8 while simulation mode is switched off, the next object reload will create the SimulationAddon that was missing before. As it is technically not an Addon while simulation mode is off, it is created outside the Addons folder. But if you move the type definition to the Addons folder in CpStudio, it will stay there, so the export error does not occur anymore.

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