Run PLC locally not possible

Hello community,

I can not run the PLC locally on my computer. After "Activate Configuration", the following error message appers. I've run this PLC project very often on my local computer and I've never had any problems.


I don´t use a virtual machine.

Maybe someone knows this problem and can help me.




Best reply by DEspejo

Hello all,

Just to share information for Bosch pc users.

I have same problem few weeks ago. Something activated Hyper-V on mi PC and i can't disable (BOSCH PC). I was disable it manually in many ways, but when pc is started windows enbling it again, even if you have disable Hyper-V on SCCM package.

I created a CI ticket and they solved after a while. They gave to me some scripts and update some BIOS features. They found a bug on a some package.I share this picture where you can see the final resolution with ticket number, that may helps a CI resolution.

Currently this behaviour is affecting to others colleagues too.

Good luck


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